Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sellect Your Life Tattoos

Have a tattoo on your body or are you planning to get one? Getting your favorite symbol or image embedded on your body is the coolest thing possible. But if you think that it’s a crazy art started by some gothic freak, then think again. The tattooing fashion has been a tradition even before Christ was born.  Ötzi the Iceman, was found in the  Ötz valley in Alps bearing carbon tattoos made of simple dots and lines drawn for healing, some acupuncture stuff and all. Even those devil Egyptian mummies had their tag put on like the mummy of Amunet.
How about getting yourself a temporary tattoo. You know, the one made with a pen or a marker on your arm by one of your friends. This happens to be cool as you can wipe it off and start afresh the next morning or you can let it stay a little bit, avoid bathing, and renovate it every day with your pen. Here are some pen art tattoos made by brother Vishal of Delhi at home with nothing but a ball point pen and with loads of imagination and creativity.
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more tattoo
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nice tattoos
I would love to have the Hitman one on my back!!!
You can also paint your body like you do while cheering for your favorite football team and it’ll be a temporary tattoo.
Or make it permanent if you love it. Permanent tattoos are often engraved on the body either in fashion or to remember a loved one or to commemorate an important event. What makes permanency of these tattoos is the way they are placed deep within the skin’s dermis. Ya man, that’s why you see blood sometimes while getting yourself tattooed with a machine.
Caring for your tattoo is another agenda. Once the tattooed place must be taken care of or the art fades away slowly. Where as most artists prefer wrapping up your tattoo for the next 24 hours others prefer bathing it in hot water to prevent bacterial infection. Tattoo specific salves and lotions are also popular so you may want to get one yourself.
But as hot the tattoo, hotter are your chances to get infected and prone to allergies. Man, if your artist amateurishly uses a perused needle on you, you know you have risk for blood infection and diseases like hepatitis and HIV. But precautions like that of sterilizing needle before each operation makes things less complicated. So better next time watch your step.
As is the expense and pain of getting a tattoo job done, more painful is the job of getting that tattoo removed. While laser treatment is an option, charges are taken per square inch of tattooed area and depending upon the type of ink used, the procedure can take several laser sessions. A special ink by the name of InfinitInk made entirely to get removed from as single laser treatment is also available so as to make removal less painful.

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